Saturday, October 24, 2009

SF Open Studios Report: Steve Shapona

I hadn't been up the hill to Steve Shapona's studio in a few years (first interviewed him in 2005.) It was exciting to see his new work. He's been experimenting with glazing and looser techniques, and focusing more on faces. Interestingly, his older nudes are cooler, almost conceptual color studies, but most of his more recent portraits are hot, juicy, and directly confront the viewer.

He's also been making his own frames, and he's come up with a beautiful design (in the upper the left of image above and image at right.) It's clean, simple, and really lets his paintings shine.

We talked a little bit about other artists we knew and how things are going for artists in this economy. Steve agreed that this was a highly creative time for us. We're experimenting more and working just as hard as we did in the "boom" times, only this time we're working more on our art and less on marketing.

His studio is open again tomorrow, 11am - 6pm - 831 Avalon Ave. at Moscow St.

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