Calligraphy, Art or Craft, and Does It Really Matter?
An Illustrated Lecture by Charles Pearce
Thursday, April 2, 2009
San Francisco Public Library, 100 Larkin Street (at Grove)
Latino-Hispanic Room. Lower Level
Reception 5:30 • Program 6:30–7:30

Charles Pearce was born in England in 1943, graduating from art school in 1965 with an MFA in Calligraphy and Lettercutting. He was elected a Fellow of the prestigious Society of Scribes and Illuminators of London in 1970, and emigrated to America in 1980. While living in New York City, he was the first (and thus far only) calligrapher to be awarded Artist-in-Residence status by the city.

He is widely respected as one of the world’s leading calligraphers and is the author of a number of books including The Little Manual of Calligraphy and The Anatomy of Letters. He has taught widely throughout Europe, North America and Australia, and was employed as a design consultant at American Greetings. His calligraphic work is in a number of public collections as well as several private ones, including those of Queen Elizabeth II. In 2003 he moved to Arkansas, where he has built a studio and residence just outside of Eureka Springs.
Current work projects include several large canvas pieces, and he is toying with ideas for a major installation if he can find funding. His Shakespeare series is now available as giclee prints, and can be viewed on his website,