Sunday, June 29, 2008

Alysanne McGaffrey at Lost Art Salon

I was delighted to see this show. Alyceanne is an old friend from SFAI days. I've stayed in touch with her through our mutual friend Deloris and am always glad to see her works at the gallery in Half Moon Bay. She's an artist who should be ranked up there with David Park and Joan Brown (during her figurative phase) but somehow never got the publicity or the exposure that she deserved. The opening last Thursday was noisy, hot and crowded but her paintings were flying off the wall with lots more sales! The Lost Art Salon website has a complete biography of Alysanne plus more art works; got and rediscover the works of somebody who should never have been forgotten!

245 South Van Ness, Suite 303, San Francisco, CA, 94103
415.861.1530 or
Open Tuesday - Friday: Noon - 5; Saturday 10 - 5: close on Sunday and Monday

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